The general argument made by Wyler in her work, "The Mass Incarceration Problems in America" is that the US puts far too many people in jail. More specifically, Wyler argues that the war on drugs is to blame for the rise in prison rates. She writes, "Since 1980, the number of incarcerated citizens in the US has more than quadrupled, an unprecedented rise that can attributed to four decades of tough-on-crime oneupmanship, and a draconian war on drugs." In this passage Wyler is implying that in order to fix our prison problems, we must stop our war on drugs. In conclusion, Wyler's belief is that the US spends too much money and energy on trying to stop people from using drugs, and as a result we are putting more people in prison who shouldn't necessarily be in there.
Does she say we should necessarily stop the war on drugs, or does she think we could just wage the war differently? You could theoretically wage war on drug use without actually sending millions of people to prison over it... Nice job overall here, though there could be a little more clarity on whether she's mainly focused on our spending too much money/energy on trying to stop people from using drugs or if she's more focused on the fact that drug laws have led to our imprisonment explosion..